Hey Kayros World! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š

We hope you're all having a fantastic day! We wanted to take a moment to share an important update on our roadmap here at Kayros. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world and it’s important to us to keep you in the loop as we progress together.

First off, we wanted to address the topic that's been on everyone's mind - our Kayros Wallet. Our team is working around the clock to bring you a great wallet. We should be able to launch our V1 within the next few weeks.

Thank you for your patience and support, we truly appreciate it! πŸš€

Now, regarding our much-awaited referral program, we’ll be able to close it once our wallet is up and running. We'll then announce the lucky winners and distribute those rewards πŸŽ‰ All the rewards will be distributed right within our new wallet, making it super convenient for all of you. Plus, everyone who registered will have their email address whitelisted for our NFT drop

Again we truly appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm. Thank you for being part of Kayros World.

Stay tuned for more updates 🌟