Kayros Games: Driving the GameFi Revolution

Kayros comes from the ancient Greek word kairos meaning the opportune time. The time to decide. The time to act.

And who if not Greeks knows better what is the opportunity? Who if not Greeks know better about the importance of having fun and playing games?

It could be hard to imagine, but the games' history goes back around 3,000 years, to Ancient Greece. Sports contests organized at Olympia took place every four years and got the name - "Olympic Games".

In modern society with the evolution of technology games and sports diversified into the online world. The gaming industry got more than 3 billion users in 2022. It's a huge number, isn’t it?

Could it be indicating that playing and having fun is one of the most important human needs? We believe it is and ancient Greeks knew that too.

Though, we think that Greeks may not know that in the far away future playing games might turn into more than having fun and competing with each other, that you could earn real money while playing even in the alternative, Metaverse reality. Much more fun, right?

With the emerging blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs, suddenly gamers got inspired that digital rewards and assets one collects in-game can have financial value.

So, with the combination of Decentralized Finance and Gaming, a new category - GameFi was born. From now on gamers can play to earn!

However, the GameFi industry still has challenges:

  • There’s no exchange listing all GameFi-related cryptocurrencies;
  • Most wallets and other platforms are not being built with gamers in mind;
  • No FIAT to crypto services provided on games websites;
  • Most platforms are insecure and easy to hack;
  • Poor internationalization and language support.

So just like Ancient Greeks would say it was time to act for us! It was an opportunity!

Kayros is coming into Play!

Kayros is the first GameFi platform that is totally dedicated to play-to-earn gamers.

They can access everything they need for the ultimate GameFi experience in one place: Play-to-Earn games discovery, one-stop-shop for all the in-game assets, payments by credit card, gaming wallet and exchange, NFT rental marketplace, and more.

There is no more need to become a blockchain expert to enjoy the gains of your game. It’s time to play to earn!

Kayros is not an opportune time only for us. Kayros is the opportune time for all gamers around the world too. And, together we’re driving the GameFi revolution.